The perfect partner for your crafty creative ideas

If you are interested in crafts and creating handmade original items, the right glue is a necessity. You need something that is non-messy, yet has enough strength to make your project durable and beautiful.

It's time to make Greeting Cards

It will be festive season soon. So, why not make beautiful, customized greeting cards for your close friends and family? All you need is a little imagination and the right ingredients.

Mom Greeting Card
Baloon Greeting Card
Creative Greeting Card

What you will need

  • Thick colourful chart paper
  • Colourful kite paper
  • Colours (can be water colours, colour pencils or crayons)
  • Reynolds Vibrant pencil
  • Reynolds Glue Stick
Reynold Vibrant Pencil & Glue Stick

How to make Greeting Cards

You can make cards in foldout form or a single front back card.

  • For foldout cards, cut strips of 8” X 5” from the chart paper. For single front/back cards a size of 5”X 5” should be enough.
  • Draw a basic outline of design with a pencil. For eg. if you want your design to be about balloons, you can draw a rough outline of the same.
  • Cut balloon shapes from colourful kite paper and paste it with Reynolds glue stick on the card. You can also directly paste your colourul design without drawing on the card. You can even create flowers with paper strips and paste them with gluestick on the card to make a bouquet.
  • After pasting, use colours to finish the details, like making strings for balloons or painting a background for your flowers.
  • Foldout or single, remember to leave some space on the cover of the card for your big greeting. It could be Happy Birthday, Happy Diwali or Happy Friendship Day or any other occasion that you are making the card for.
  • On the inside of the card is where you write your message. In case it is a single card, write your message on the reverse side.
  • Your greeting card is ready. Make another one!

The no-mess, no-stress wonder

Reynolds Glue Stick is non-messy, non-toxic, fast drying and washable too. So even if you were to get some on your clothes by mistake, rest assured that it will wash off easily. It is extremely strong too to hold together all kinds of paper.

Reynold Glue Stick

Check out our International brand Elmer’s - Glue and Slime - for your art and craft requirements.

Glue Bottle